This is a true story to share. sound suspense pulak. Last 2 days (28 March 2009), i went to Tropicana Golf Resort with fifi, ayu and noor to have a dinner. It was very sempoi dinner since the theme is "santai" and colors are mother nature..
Actually i planned to wear my baju kebaya purple but then received sms from fifi n informed santai dinner je, so i think over pulak if i wearing kebaya bersulam2 n x kena pulak dgn theme.
then, b4 the dinner, i went to warta near to my house, then grab skirt mcm org mengandung.
oh ya, i can give B+ only for this dinner because of the following reasons
+ve feedback
1. it wa a great dinner since we can gather after long long time
2. ade door gift (pokok hijau, i donnoe the name of the pokok)
-ve feedback
1. payment is too high -RM80 for buffet dinner
2. food & desert - biasa2 saje, x sedap sgt
3. no VVIP, (hei we are all x mpp, so VVIP shld be there to appreciate us) tp its ok i don mind, but kalau ikutkan protocol, they shld join us lah. its not easy to gather all alumni mpp.
Actually i planned to wear my baju kebaya purple but then received sms from fifi n informed santai dinner je, so i think over pulak if i wearing kebaya bersulam2 n x kena pulak dgn theme.
then, b4 the dinner, i went to warta near to my house, then grab skirt mcm org mengandung.
oh ya, i can give B+ only for this dinner because of the following reasons
+ve feedback
1. it wa a great dinner since we can gather after long long time
2. ade door gift (pokok hijau, i donnoe the name of the pokok)
-ve feedback
1. payment is too high -RM80 for buffet dinner
2. food & desert - biasa2 saje, x sedap sgt
3. no VVIP, (hei we are all x mpp, so VVIP shld be there to appreciate us) tp its ok i don mind, but kalau ikutkan protocol, they shld join us lah. its not easy to gather all alumni mpp.
ok, here, i just share these capture moment. hv a look expecially to those who didnt presence
These are among pics taken during the event.
These are among pics taken during the event.
me with door gift (blkg tu fifi)
ayu, fifi ydp, noor n me
with junior2 mpp
(glad some of them still remember me) =)Part of MPP UiTM Melaka