las week i went to
Branded Fragrances & Cosmetics Warehouse Sale Up to 70%. The event took place at
hotel corus, jalan ampang. i went with kak feri n kak azi my colleagues who have same interest with me-->
round2 window shopping n burned money...
I jus grab one set of perfume (plus lotion and bath scrub)
Ginvenchy Very Irresistible at a price of RM119. i think it is quite cheap as compared to normal price which i guess at RM150 (perfume only). but actually its not promotion price or any huge discount. it is more on
clearing old stock. whatever, i luv my new fragrance.
today i jus came back from ampang point near to my collage and one thing makes me cant doing my job right now is SUNGLASSES sales. emm i tot my CK sunglass dah calar sikit n bekas die dah cair sbb put it in car n cuaca at that time very panas like hell. shld i replace or not?
here are some of price list for those who interested to go
Guess - buy 1 free 1 (price around 500 - 700). if buy 1, discount up to 45%.
Gucci - 30%
Emprio armani - rm199
Elle - rm79
Rayban - buy 1 free 1, if i not mistaken
Versace - tak ingat
then, ade brand lain which i'm not so familiar, but kak fery know (biase la i'm not branded oriented) the price among rm129 i guess...
hmmm, tgh belek2 speck, my mum called n asked me to go back to shah alam today, then i told her about this sales, my mum angry-angry at me. not angry sgt la but she said "
kamu tu tak pernahnye xde duit". huhu the statement makes me stop from thinking to buy one. arghhh. hmmm yela, las week br beli perfume which i think not necessary since my dior poison still got half from the bottle, then after buy the new one, i don want to use the old one anymore. no wonder la my mum bising2...
anyway, i wish "
i am shopaholic NO more"