esok final!!!!!!!!!!
haaa mcm nk bgtau esok raye je...
dag dig dug hatiku berdebar2.... sbb x bace buku langsung. eh bukan bc buku tp bc article.
ni tgh carik mud nk study, tammo jd mcm sem lepas, konon2 nk hentam je dlm answer script tp 1 idea hentaman pun tak de. end up with worst result. ark ark ark....serves my right!
ok nk study, semoga ade mood utk study dan dipermudahkan utk menjawab soalan esok...
oh ya, after finish exam esok, i will start my dissertation. field audit, supervisor dah ade but topic nk explore still unclear. last week my proposed supervisor suggest me to explore audit quality in syariah index since belum ramai lg explore syariah field ni plus earning management as mediator. huh blur is it... no idea but trying hard to....
gud luck num.
mesti bole jwn kan??
ko kan hebat!
all d best yeah..!!!
thx kwn2
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