actually i plan this program utk my mentee since they just finish sitting their final exam. dat's y i put the name 'stress release'. biasa la, after abes xm, we need enjoy. i also a student so i know what my student want...
jus a simple xtvt, went there for 2 days 1 night, we stay at glory beach resort, near to my old school.... bl lalu jln tu, nampak student pakai bj batik teringat zaman 8 tahun yg lepas. ohhh sgt lama kenangan itu tp masih segar di ingatanku.
and at night we had a fun bbq.... thanks to all.... u guys rox.... because all of them, i'll think twice to seeking another job.... tp takdir ALLAH yang akan menentukan...
takkan sekeping je pic anum..upload la lagi pic..hehehe
huhuhu...tetibe rindu tingat jalan tipd tu anum...huwaaaa..monday blues beb!!!
warrghhh anum...
kemain lagik... ko mmg ade ciri2 lect. sejati... huhuhu... teruskan usaha... tapi pic satu je ker ???
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