time shown at 1:42am...
i donno to talk to who, because i noe no what want to hear...
so i think it's a good way i talk to my blog. i don hv a diary, perhaps this blog will replace diary instead to...
i am SICK of all these. i sometimes fed-up with doing something that i donno what is the outcome would be. if it will give a positive result, then Alhamdulillah. but what if it wouldnt?
i had sacrificed a lot. just to make sure i can settle all this on time, by the end of this year probably. but looking at the way how i commit to my work, i dont think it would happen. i need change i think. but i dont have enough strength to.
i forgone better offer just because of this. just imagine how i can just let go the offer, very near to my house plus a payment is one times more. people may said that i am greedy, ungrateful or so on, but i did istikharah and ask God to show me the way. and i really hope this sacrificed will rewards soon. rewards in term of what? only i know what i want in my life. no one would understand me. i have had enough of peeps who said so-many thing about what i was choosen. but i am very thankful to all peeps who shows their care-ness to me. i know i need all of u. i need ur advise and opinion. thank you so much people.
enough said about it, now, i shouldnt looking at the back. what i have to do is, FACE it on because i am the one who made a decision for myself. it one thing that i hate to do. sometimes, i always hope that i can be like a kids, much less responsibilities, everthing decided for me and everything provided for me. no need to go outside and exploring something mysteries and at the end, end up with nothing. hahaha. but it would never ever happen. i am 26 years old already. have to keep it on my mind. i can imagine if everything was decided for me, i would end-up my life in jail. or otherwise, rumah org gile. hahahaha
so, FOCUS on what i am doing right now, its only a few weeks left and i need to settle everything. it is the promise to myself. my really hope, everything will goes well. n i will get what i want. insyaALLAH.
2:08am (better go to sleep, otherwise i will sleepy while lecturing)
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
BIRTHDAY! what a wonderful day
it's been about 26 years ago, i was born at 2.00 pm. no wonder im bit "hot temper" since i out to see the world in the mid of the day. ohooo, bukan salah ibu mengandung. or in English i donnoe how to translate the proverb, it might be "not a fault of mum pregnant" or "it wasn't mum pregnant fault" or wateve it is..haha. how funny the direct translation it is...
but it wasn't the thing i gonna share here... reminiscing my birthday about 2 days ago, i just wanted to show some of my pictures during my birthday celebration. oh ye, for this year, i had 2 birthday celebration. the first one is celebrated by my buddies, edah n ayie. the simple and fun party dedicated specially for azrun (who was born in 1st august) and me born in a couple of days later. (however azrun is 2 years younger than me) haha. both them bought a cute cake and we went out to kedai kopi shah alam in front of dataran shah alam for cake cut ceremony... even a simple celebration, but we had fun and it was a memories that we never ever been forgotten.
our cake

birthday boy n birthday girl

plus edah

plus ayie

the second one was celebrated by my students. or should be more accurate my mentee. they invited me to have a dinner treat at one of my mentee's restaurant at ampang campuran if im not mistaken. then after we ate, the surprise looked when his gf brought a cake and put it in front of me and happy birthday song were sound. i was shocked and wat i can do was only smile! and later i said thank you so much to all of them for unexpected celebration. i think that i am lucky to have them as my mentee and students. because, i haven't seen any other lecturers have a chance to experience all these. hehe (sorry la kalau ade n i tatau)*** how perasan i am ye...
later, after cut cake ceremony, time shown at 10.45pm and my dad keep calling me asking when i will go back to home. emmm so bored staying at home with a 100% parents guidance. it will constrains my leg u see!!! i didnt did any fault but then when i arrive at home around 1130pm, my dad was bising2 at me. well.... i tot it is an usual thing and norm since many "bad habit" cases makes parents worried to their daughter especially. so i accept it and thankful to have them as my caring-loving parents. I LOVE MY PARENTS SOOO MUCH. muahxxxx
here are some of pictures, so just look at them for those who are interested. if u are not interested at all, i never ever asking or any coercion from me to look at it... haha.
my cake
cut cake ceremony
my mentees
ayie and me
among lecturers and ex-lecturer. thanks for accompanied me..
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