it's been about 26 years ago, i was born at 2.00 pm. no wonder im bit "hot temper" since i out to see the world in the mid of the day. ohooo, bukan salah ibu mengandung. or in English i donnoe how to translate the proverb, it might be "not a fault of mum pregnant" or "it wasn't mum pregnant fault" or wateve it is..haha. how funny the direct translation it is...
but it wasn't the thing i gonna share here... reminiscing my birthday about 2 days ago, i just wanted to show some of my pictures during my birthday celebration. oh ye, for this year, i had 2 birthday celebration. the first one is celebrated by my buddies, edah n ayie. the simple and fun party dedicated specially for azrun (who was born in 1st august) and me born in a couple of days later. (however azrun is 2 years younger than me) haha. both them bought a cute cake and we went out to kedai kopi shah alam in front of dataran shah alam for cake cut ceremony... even a simple celebration, but we had fun and it was a memories that we never ever been forgotten.
our cake

birthday boy n birthday girl

plus edah

plus ayie

the second one was celebrated by my students. or should be more accurate my mentee. they invited me to have a dinner treat at one of my mentee's restaurant at ampang campuran if im not mistaken. then after we ate, the surprise looked when his gf brought a cake and put it in front of me and happy birthday song were sound. i was shocked and wat i can do was only smile! and later i said thank you so much to all of them for unexpected celebration. i think that i am lucky to have them as my mentee and students. because, i haven't seen any other lecturers have a chance to experience all these. hehe (sorry la kalau ade n i tatau)*** how perasan i am ye...
later, after cut cake ceremony, time shown at 10.45pm and my dad keep calling me asking when i will go back to home. emmm so bored staying at home with a 100% parents guidance. it will constrains my leg u see!!! i didnt did any fault but then when i arrive at home around 1130pm, my dad was bising2 at me. well.... i tot it is an usual thing and norm since many "bad habit" cases makes parents worried to their daughter especially. so i accept it and thankful to have them as my caring-loving parents. I LOVE MY PARENTS SOOO MUCH. muahxxxx
here are some of pictures, so just look at them for those who are interested. if u are not interested at all, i never ever asking or any coercion from me to look at it... haha.
my cake
cut cake ceremony
my mentees
ayie and me
among lecturers and ex-lecturer. thanks for accompanied me..
nape aie ada gak kat yg 2nd celebration tu??ini boleh kasik jeles nih...hahahaa
hohoo, he was at ampang at the time, so i jus call n invite him.
lgpun, dolu2 die kan lec budak2 tu gak... yg bestnye i introduce ayie as edah's bf to all my students.. hikhikhikkkk
ayie & anum
mcm match je.
happy belated birthday anum!!!
tq phia...
kakcik, jgn nk bergosip di sini
sooo lawak jenaka
Happy belated burfday
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