Monday, December 28, 2009
kisah best dan kisah tak best
lame gile x post any entry since raye aritu. sbb kalau tgk based on previous post, sume entry mcm kisah2 gembira saje. jarang aku nk share kisah2 dalaman ni dgn org. sendiri tanggung la...
so, mungkin sbb after raye hr tu dah x brape nk gembira hidup ini, aku stop la xtvt2 blogging ni.
ade byk kisah2 yg melakar sejarah dlm hidup aku sejak raya aritu. ade yg gembira ade yg x best.
yg bestnye, aku dah officially grade my master. dan dlm byk2 batch aku, cume aku n zarina yg every sem dpt 4 flat tu je yg grade on time. mungkin sbb ktorg ni single lg kot, so xde komitmen yg lain... hehe... yahoooooooo. bulan 5 ni konvo! yessss, konvo again. nmpknye pentas dewan seri budiman tu 3 kali la menyaksikan aku naik pentas amek scroll. sekali masa diploma dulu, 2nd time ms degree, n bulan 5 ni utk master. maybe kalau ade rezeki smbg blaja lg, aku akan pastikan aku naik pentas lain pulak. cukupla 3 kali kat DSB tuh.
so, satu2nya azam utk thn 2009 dah tercapai. mission accomplished!
yg xbesnye adalah disebabkan aku terpaksa bertungkus lumus siapkan paper aku tuh. emmm, mls nk cite pjg2 psl yg xbes ni.
lg satu kisah sedih yg sedang aku hadapi ialah mak aku tgh sakit. sebenarnya die dah sakit dr bulan 5 lg, tp ms bulan puasa tu nmpk makin teruk... n las2 dah diagnose ade lung cancer stage 4. YA ALLAH, sembuhkan penyakit mak.... ok sbb kisah ni pun sudah pasti bukan kisah yg menggembirakan so cukuplah psl tu...
cume 1 je yg buat aku kdg2 rs bersalah. bile slalu kene excuse dr ofis sbb kena bwk mak g hospital. n bile aku x le nk concentrate dgn keja2 aku disebabkan terlalu risau. mmg la org slalu ckp aku ni nmpk mcm org muke xde perasaan, every single thing happen, muke aku mcm wat bodo je, sbb aku x suke mengcomplicated hidup aku dgn problem2 ni, tp when it comes to mum, aku rs sume org pon paham. so no need further explaination.
oh ye, 2009 dah nk abes. aku akan pikirkan ape azam utk 2010 ni...
so, mungkin sbb after raye hr tu dah x brape nk gembira hidup ini, aku stop la xtvt2 blogging ni.
ade byk kisah2 yg melakar sejarah dlm hidup aku sejak raya aritu. ade yg gembira ade yg x best.
yg bestnye, aku dah officially grade my master. dan dlm byk2 batch aku, cume aku n zarina yg every sem dpt 4 flat tu je yg grade on time. mungkin sbb ktorg ni single lg kot, so xde komitmen yg lain... hehe... yahoooooooo. bulan 5 ni konvo! yessss, konvo again. nmpknye pentas dewan seri budiman tu 3 kali la menyaksikan aku naik pentas amek scroll. sekali masa diploma dulu, 2nd time ms degree, n bulan 5 ni utk master. maybe kalau ade rezeki smbg blaja lg, aku akan pastikan aku naik pentas lain pulak. cukupla 3 kali kat DSB tuh.
so, satu2nya azam utk thn 2009 dah tercapai. mission accomplished!
yg xbesnye adalah disebabkan aku terpaksa bertungkus lumus siapkan paper aku tuh. emmm, mls nk cite pjg2 psl yg xbes ni.
lg satu kisah sedih yg sedang aku hadapi ialah mak aku tgh sakit. sebenarnya die dah sakit dr bulan 5 lg, tp ms bulan puasa tu nmpk makin teruk... n las2 dah diagnose ade lung cancer stage 4. YA ALLAH, sembuhkan penyakit mak.... ok sbb kisah ni pun sudah pasti bukan kisah yg menggembirakan so cukuplah psl tu...
cume 1 je yg buat aku kdg2 rs bersalah. bile slalu kene excuse dr ofis sbb kena bwk mak g hospital. n bile aku x le nk concentrate dgn keja2 aku disebabkan terlalu risau. mmg la org slalu ckp aku ni nmpk mcm org muke xde perasaan, every single thing happen, muke aku mcm wat bodo je, sbb aku x suke mengcomplicated hidup aku dgn problem2 ni, tp when it comes to mum, aku rs sume org pon paham. so no need further explaination.
oh ye, 2009 dah nk abes. aku akan pikirkan ape azam utk 2010 ni...
Friday, September 25, 2009
selamat hari raya
it's been a month i x update blog ni. alasan stndard ->BZ
puasa n raya thn ni bole la.. bes la gak
dpt rm2 je duit raye. singgit dr ayah, singgit dr maklong.
kakak aku pun dah tammo bg duit raye lg, ayah pun same. no provision for me. cesss
raye thn ni, 5 hari dok kat kampung. sehari b4 raye sampai la raye ke-5... okla bes gak
tp x bestnye, org raye, kene tgl sorg2 kat umh. kene siapkan thesis yg makin byk buat, makin byk x paham n makin byk keje. aiyoyoyo, lg beberape hari je lg nk kene submit ni. x sampai sebulan lagi
so, dpt pakai bj raye 1 je, tu pun ms hr raye pertame, then pas sesi slm2 n bg duit raye. terus tukar baju. x dpt nk melaram dgn bj2 raye...
lg,,, thn ni cume ry 4 buah umh je, kg ayah, kg mak, umh pakcik blkg umh nenek tu dgn umh auntie. tu je. yg lain x ikut pun org beraye.
hmmm,,, hr isnin n selase ni i keje, then cuti siapkan thesis. tatau la siap ke x, kalau x, extend la jwbnye.. tammo tp kalau dah takdir tiada sapa mampu melawanya kan. heheh
ni ade sket2 gambar raye, tgk la, kalau tanak tgk pun xpe...
ops lupe tujuan asal, selamat hari raya aidilfitri maaf zahir batin dari saya sekeluarga
puasa n raya thn ni bole la.. bes la gak
dpt rm2 je duit raye. singgit dr ayah, singgit dr maklong.
kakak aku pun dah tammo bg duit raye lg, ayah pun same. no provision for me. cesss
raye thn ni, 5 hari dok kat kampung. sehari b4 raye sampai la raye ke-5... okla bes gak
tp x bestnye, org raye, kene tgl sorg2 kat umh. kene siapkan thesis yg makin byk buat, makin byk x paham n makin byk keje. aiyoyoyo, lg beberape hari je lg nk kene submit ni. x sampai sebulan lagi
so, dpt pakai bj raye 1 je, tu pun ms hr raye pertame, then pas sesi slm2 n bg duit raye. terus tukar baju. x dpt nk melaram dgn bj2 raye...
lg,,, thn ni cume ry 4 buah umh je, kg ayah, kg mak, umh pakcik blkg umh nenek tu dgn umh auntie. tu je. yg lain x ikut pun org beraye.
hmmm,,, hr isnin n selase ni i keje, then cuti siapkan thesis. tatau la siap ke x, kalau x, extend la jwbnye.. tammo tp kalau dah takdir tiada sapa mampu melawanya kan. heheh
ni ade sket2 gambar raye, tgk la, kalau tanak tgk pun xpe...
ops lupe tujuan asal, selamat hari raya aidilfitri maaf zahir batin dari saya sekeluarga
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
time shown at 1:42am...
i donno to talk to who, because i noe no what want to hear...
so i think it's a good way i talk to my blog. i don hv a diary, perhaps this blog will replace diary instead to...
i am SICK of all these. i sometimes fed-up with doing something that i donno what is the outcome would be. if it will give a positive result, then Alhamdulillah. but what if it wouldnt?
i had sacrificed a lot. just to make sure i can settle all this on time, by the end of this year probably. but looking at the way how i commit to my work, i dont think it would happen. i need change i think. but i dont have enough strength to.
i forgone better offer just because of this. just imagine how i can just let go the offer, very near to my house plus a payment is one times more. people may said that i am greedy, ungrateful or so on, but i did istikharah and ask God to show me the way. and i really hope this sacrificed will rewards soon. rewards in term of what? only i know what i want in my life. no one would understand me. i have had enough of peeps who said so-many thing about what i was choosen. but i am very thankful to all peeps who shows their care-ness to me. i know i need all of u. i need ur advise and opinion. thank you so much people.
enough said about it, now, i shouldnt looking at the back. what i have to do is, FACE it on because i am the one who made a decision for myself. it one thing that i hate to do. sometimes, i always hope that i can be like a kids, much less responsibilities, everthing decided for me and everything provided for me. no need to go outside and exploring something mysteries and at the end, end up with nothing. hahaha. but it would never ever happen. i am 26 years old already. have to keep it on my mind. i can imagine if everything was decided for me, i would end-up my life in jail. or otherwise, rumah org gile. hahahaha
so, FOCUS on what i am doing right now, its only a few weeks left and i need to settle everything. it is the promise to myself. my really hope, everything will goes well. n i will get what i want. insyaALLAH.
2:08am (better go to sleep, otherwise i will sleepy while lecturing)
i donno to talk to who, because i noe no what want to hear...
so i think it's a good way i talk to my blog. i don hv a diary, perhaps this blog will replace diary instead to...
i am SICK of all these. i sometimes fed-up with doing something that i donno what is the outcome would be. if it will give a positive result, then Alhamdulillah. but what if it wouldnt?
i had sacrificed a lot. just to make sure i can settle all this on time, by the end of this year probably. but looking at the way how i commit to my work, i dont think it would happen. i need change i think. but i dont have enough strength to.
i forgone better offer just because of this. just imagine how i can just let go the offer, very near to my house plus a payment is one times more. people may said that i am greedy, ungrateful or so on, but i did istikharah and ask God to show me the way. and i really hope this sacrificed will rewards soon. rewards in term of what? only i know what i want in my life. no one would understand me. i have had enough of peeps who said so-many thing about what i was choosen. but i am very thankful to all peeps who shows their care-ness to me. i know i need all of u. i need ur advise and opinion. thank you so much people.
enough said about it, now, i shouldnt looking at the back. what i have to do is, FACE it on because i am the one who made a decision for myself. it one thing that i hate to do. sometimes, i always hope that i can be like a kids, much less responsibilities, everthing decided for me and everything provided for me. no need to go outside and exploring something mysteries and at the end, end up with nothing. hahaha. but it would never ever happen. i am 26 years old already. have to keep it on my mind. i can imagine if everything was decided for me, i would end-up my life in jail. or otherwise, rumah org gile. hahahaha
so, FOCUS on what i am doing right now, its only a few weeks left and i need to settle everything. it is the promise to myself. my really hope, everything will goes well. n i will get what i want. insyaALLAH.
2:08am (better go to sleep, otherwise i will sleepy while lecturing)
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
BIRTHDAY! what a wonderful day
it's been about 26 years ago, i was born at 2.00 pm. no wonder im bit "hot temper" since i out to see the world in the mid of the day. ohooo, bukan salah ibu mengandung. or in English i donnoe how to translate the proverb, it might be "not a fault of mum pregnant" or "it wasn't mum pregnant fault" or wateve it is..haha. how funny the direct translation it is...
but it wasn't the thing i gonna share here... reminiscing my birthday about 2 days ago, i just wanted to show some of my pictures during my birthday celebration. oh ye, for this year, i had 2 birthday celebration. the first one is celebrated by my buddies, edah n ayie. the simple and fun party dedicated specially for azrun (who was born in 1st august) and me born in a couple of days later. (however azrun is 2 years younger than me) haha. both them bought a cute cake and we went out to kedai kopi shah alam in front of dataran shah alam for cake cut ceremony... even a simple celebration, but we had fun and it was a memories that we never ever been forgotten.
our cake

birthday boy n birthday girl

plus edah

plus ayie

the second one was celebrated by my students. or should be more accurate my mentee. they invited me to have a dinner treat at one of my mentee's restaurant at ampang campuran if im not mistaken. then after we ate, the surprise looked when his gf brought a cake and put it in front of me and happy birthday song were sound. i was shocked and wat i can do was only smile! and later i said thank you so much to all of them for unexpected celebration. i think that i am lucky to have them as my mentee and students. because, i haven't seen any other lecturers have a chance to experience all these. hehe (sorry la kalau ade n i tatau)*** how perasan i am ye...
later, after cut cake ceremony, time shown at 10.45pm and my dad keep calling me asking when i will go back to home. emmm so bored staying at home with a 100% parents guidance. it will constrains my leg u see!!! i didnt did any fault but then when i arrive at home around 1130pm, my dad was bising2 at me. well.... i tot it is an usual thing and norm since many "bad habit" cases makes parents worried to their daughter especially. so i accept it and thankful to have them as my caring-loving parents. I LOVE MY PARENTS SOOO MUCH. muahxxxx
here are some of pictures, so just look at them for those who are interested. if u are not interested at all, i never ever asking or any coercion from me to look at it... haha.
my cake
cut cake ceremony
my mentees
ayie and me
among lecturers and ex-lecturer. thanks for accompanied me..
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Beauty of Mathematics
got this emel n i think its good to share with..
Bismillahirrahmaani rrahiim
1 x 8 + 1 = 9
12 x 8 + 2 = 98
123 x 8 + 3 = 987
1234 x 8 + 4 = 9876
12345 x 8 + 5 = 98765
123456 x 8 + 6 = 987654
1234567 x 8 + 7 = 9876543
12345678 x 8 + 8 = 98765432
123456789 x 8 + 9 = 987654321
1 x 9 + 2 = 111
2 x 9 + 3 = 1111
23 x 9 + 4 = 11111
234 x 9 + 5 = 111111
2345 x 9 + 6 = 1111111
23456 x 9 + 7 = 11111111
234567 x 9 + 8 = 111111111
2345678 x 9 + 9 = 1111111111
23456789 x 9 +10= 1111111111
9 x 9 + 7 = 88
98 x 9 + 6 = 888
987 x 9 + 5 = 8888
9876 x 9 + 4 = 88888
98765 x 9 + 3 = 888888
987654 x 9 + 2 = 8888888
9876543 x 9 + 1 = 88888888
98765432 x 9 + 0 = 888888888
Brilliant, isn ' t it?
And look at this symmetry:
1 x 1 = 1
11 x 11 = 12
1111 x 111 = 12321
1111 x 1111 = 1234321
11111 x 11111 = 123454321
111111 x 111111 = 12345654321
1111111 x 1111111 = 1234567654321
11111111 x 11111111 = 123456787654321
111111111 x 111111111=123456789 87654321
Now, takes a look at this...101%
From a strictly mathematical viewpoint:What Equals 100%?
What does it mean togive MORE than 100%?
Ever wonder about those people who saythey are giving more than 100%?
We have all been in situations wheresomeone wants you to GIVE OVER100%.
How about ACHIEVING 101%?
What equals 100% in life?
Here ' s a little mathematical formula that might help answer thesequestions:
Is represented as:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1617 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26.
If:H-A-R-D-W-O- R- K
8+1+18+4+23+ 15+18+11 =98%
And:K-N-O-W-L-E- D-G-E11+14+15+23+ 12+5+ 4+7+5 = 96%
But:A-T-T-I-T-U- D-E1+20+20+9+20+ 21+4+5 = 100%
THEN, look how far the love of Godwill take you:
L-O-V-E-O-F- G-O-D 12+15+22+5+15+ 6+7+15+4 = 101%
Therefore, one can conclude withmathematical certainty that:
While Hard Work and Knowledge will getyou close, and Attitude willget you there, It ' s the Love of Godthat will put you over the top!It ' s up to you if you share thiswith your friends justthe way I did.Have a nice day & Allah bless U!!
Bismillahirrahmaani rrahiim
1 x 8 + 1 = 9
12 x 8 + 2 = 98
123 x 8 + 3 = 987
1234 x 8 + 4 = 9876
12345 x 8 + 5 = 98765
123456 x 8 + 6 = 987654
1234567 x 8 + 7 = 9876543
12345678 x 8 + 8 = 98765432
123456789 x 8 + 9 = 987654321
1 x 9 + 2 = 111
2 x 9 + 3 = 1111
23 x 9 + 4 = 11111
234 x 9 + 5 = 111111
2345 x 9 + 6 = 1111111
23456 x 9 + 7 = 11111111
234567 x 9 + 8 = 111111111
2345678 x 9 + 9 = 1111111111
23456789 x 9 +10= 1111111111
9 x 9 + 7 = 88
98 x 9 + 6 = 888
987 x 9 + 5 = 8888
9876 x 9 + 4 = 88888
98765 x 9 + 3 = 888888
987654 x 9 + 2 = 8888888
9876543 x 9 + 1 = 88888888
98765432 x 9 + 0 = 888888888
Brilliant, isn ' t it?
And look at this symmetry:
1 x 1 = 1
11 x 11 = 12
1111 x 111 = 12321
1111 x 1111 = 1234321
11111 x 11111 = 123454321
111111 x 111111 = 12345654321
1111111 x 1111111 = 1234567654321
11111111 x 11111111 = 123456787654321
111111111 x 111111111=123456789 87654321
Now, takes a look at this...101%
From a strictly mathematical viewpoint:What Equals 100%?
What does it mean togive MORE than 100%?
Ever wonder about those people who saythey are giving more than 100%?
We have all been in situations wheresomeone wants you to GIVE OVER100%.
How about ACHIEVING 101%?
What equals 100% in life?
Here ' s a little mathematical formula that might help answer thesequestions:
Is represented as:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1617 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26.
If:H-A-R-D-W-O- R- K
8+1+18+4+23+ 15+18+11 =98%
And:K-N-O-W-L-E- D-G-E11+14+15+23+ 12+5+ 4+7+5 = 96%
But:A-T-T-I-T-U- D-E1+20+20+9+20+ 21+4+5 = 100%
THEN, look how far the love of Godwill take you:
L-O-V-E-O-F- G-O-D 12+15+22+5+15+ 6+7+15+4 = 101%
Therefore, one can conclude withmathematical certainty that:
While Hard Work and Knowledge will getyou close, and Attitude willget you there, It ' s the Love of Godthat will put you over the top!It ' s up to you if you share thiswith your friends justthe way I did.Have a nice day & Allah bless U!!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
one by one gone
actually, donno how to express my felling....
after 2 years ive served here, there were so many many people come in and out.
new comers, then resign. either senior staff or new one doesnt matter... means no matter how long u serve, a day, even an hour, or a week or a year or a couple of year of more than that, staff were resigned. then new comer join us but sometime only for a month n dont surprise, there were a numbers of cases where new comers only served for a day. huh. terrible is it....
and today, noriah n dayah left us n i donno how to express my sadness coz lost them as my colleague esp noriah which i can consider as one of my good fren. sbb aku dah imune kehilangan kwn2 baik di ptpl ampang ni. but i still hv to serve until mission complete. tp x complete2 lg ni. aduiiiiiiii
emmm, wonder WHEN MY TIME IS??? but life must go on and on and onnn
after 2 years ive served here, there were so many many people come in and out.
new comers, then resign. either senior staff or new one doesnt matter... means no matter how long u serve, a day, even an hour, or a week or a year or a couple of year of more than that, staff were resigned. then new comer join us but sometime only for a month n dont surprise, there were a numbers of cases where new comers only served for a day. huh. terrible is it....
and today, noriah n dayah left us n i donno how to express my sadness coz lost them as my colleague esp noriah which i can consider as one of my good fren. sbb aku dah imune kehilangan kwn2 baik di ptpl ampang ni. but i still hv to serve until mission complete. tp x complete2 lg ni. aduiiiiiiii
emmm, wonder WHEN MY TIME IS??? but life must go on and on and onnn
Monday, June 29, 2009
steamboat @ restoran nelayan, taman tasik titwangsa
last friday, i with my mentee accompanied by noriah went to ate steamboat... we ate so many many many seafood, prawn and crab especially.
not much to say, just looking at those picture taken during the day...
you guys take a look for a momment....
haa forgot to tell you guys, the price per head is RM30 but +++. plus plus included service tax yg too high, kacang dlm pinggan n jeruk yg dihantar tanpa dipesan sebanyak 4 pinggan dgn tisu(we event didnt open from the packaging but yet, still had to pay) emm can consider expensive tp xpe PUAS HATI sbb makan udang byk sgt and the funny thing is, noriah got CB tomorrow nye. hehe
Friday, June 26, 2009
perkahwinan noriah
ni noriah ckp ms die bertandang, terserlah tahi lalat manis
noriah malu2 sweet
i adore this pelamin... cantik
loving couple
raja sehari
Thursday, June 11, 2009
dagDIGdug... result will out in an hour
takutnye, berdebarnye... nk tgu result td tgk pastu die ckp kul 530 br kluar...
emmm, mintak2 semuanya ok walaupun aku tau tidak berapa ok...
sgt takut dan sgt berdebar
ya ALLAH, tenangkan diri aku utk menengok result jap lg...
emmm, mintak2 semuanya ok walaupun aku tau tidak berapa ok...
sgt takut dan sgt berdebar
ya ALLAH, tenangkan diri aku utk menengok result jap lg...
kahwin, kahwin, kawennn
ni ade beberapa gambar2 kawen kwn2 yg sempat saye pergi. marilah meluangkan masa menengok dan mendoakan kejayaan eh, kebahagiaan kawan2 kite...
ni kwn ms degree merangkap rumet di bilik F1202 x salah aku. ms degree tu die tgh mabuk bercinta memandangkan ktorg br lepas praktikal, n ms praktikal die dpt boyfren. Alhamdulillah, die bertemu jodoh dgn bf nya sendiri. aku sebenarnya dah janji utk jd pengapit die, aku dah siap pakai bj colur peach sbb die pesan pakai colur cream aku xde, tp at last disebabkan jammed yg teramat sgt (semperna cuti skolah plus birthday agong), aku hanya sampai sejam sengah selepas die bersanding. sorry ye cik kema... nk ckp lain kali xbley sbb kawen sekali je seumur hidup.. semoga berbahagia kema n husband

ni sepupu, yg lelaki tu sepupu aku wan anak tunggal mak nab. sbb sepupu yg bermain2 ms kecik aku sanggup naik bas dr melaka ke jb sorg2 utk bersama-sama meraikan majlis perkahwinannya. anda semua tertanya2 mengapa dr melaka? kerana blk dr si kema kawen, aku terus ke jb.

ni pulak botak @ siti hajar kawen di labu. seronok jumpa kwn2 tipd. havent seen them for ages. n ni adalah geng aku ms skolah, dormmate budi di legend, aku + botak + ekon adalah 3 serangkai yg selalu g skolah lmbt dan digelar budak kenit. (aku mendapat tempias kenit sbb si botak n ekon yg kenit)... n ktorg ber-3 konon menggelarkan diri sbg NMNC. nk tau ape die NMNC carik la sendiri ye. tp dah bubar sbb ekon dah kawen dl, tgl aku n botak. now botak dah kawen, takan aku sorg2 pulak... so confirmla aku membubarkan NMNC...
hehe, sebenarnya byk lagi kwn2 aku kawen, ade yg x sempat dtg n x sempat nk amek gambar sbb aku dtg kul 5. khemah pun dah tutup. haha
anyway,i'm happy for all of u frens... semoga anda semua berbahagia dan cepat2 dpt baby
Saturday, May 30, 2009
stress release @ pd
actually i plan this program utk my mentee since they just finish sitting their final exam. dat's y i put the name 'stress release'. biasa la, after abes xm, we need enjoy. i also a student so i know what my student want...
jus a simple xtvt, went there for 2 days 1 night, we stay at glory beach resort, near to my old school.... bl lalu jln tu, nampak student pakai bj batik teringat zaman 8 tahun yg lepas. ohhh sgt lama kenangan itu tp masih segar di ingatanku.
and at night we had a fun bbq.... thanks to all.... u guys rox.... because all of them, i'll think twice to seeking another job.... tp takdir ALLAH yang akan menentukan...
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
it's NOT the end
well, we actually end up our 3rd semester... rs mcm x pecaye je dah 3 sem. pejam celik pejam celik alhamdulillah, now we complete 3 sem and for our final sem we start doing our own research.
jus recall kenangan2 terindah dan terperit ms 1st sem...
originally, there were around 30 of us in class, then due to sooo hectic life, one by one drop and withdraw lastly only 10 survive. u c how??? actually, maybe they already hv a good job, master is jus one of satisfaction, sekadar fulfill their time but then, after a few weeks, we are soooo burdened with so many assignments and presentation sampaikan cannot tido mlm n tido pun boleh termengigau2 lah... so dat y they all withdraw.
so most of us yg stay were in academician line. we hv NO choice. to pursue dis career, we need to further develop our level of education, degree is not enuf. dat's y i continue my study. not because anybody force me or to 'make me one step ahead than others' NO... NO... and my personal opinion, we as a lecturer cant just stick at one level only. we need to explore so many things outside since we gonna share knowledge with student. but actually it depends on ourselves. sometimes, when we got married, FAMILY become FIRST. i do agree with that. . because family is precious than others... so it depends on how we wanna colur our life.
i also wanna thanks to my groupmate farhana n azwanis, who always bersusah dan bersenang bersama2... from our 1st sem sampailah 3rd sem ni, igt x ms zaman wanis anak dara ms 1st sem, kt penah stay kat menara uitm yg berhant* tu sampai pukul 3 4 pagi, then sambung kat mc d sampai subuh jus to finish our asgmnt.. huh, n EVERY WEEK ok... every friday nite n saturday nite.... n ms nk final, kak shikin ajar kite kat tangga flat rumah die kat sec 7 tu gelap gelita n byk nyamok but lastly ALHAMDULILLAH, we got a GOOD result. and dat's y we SURVIVE...
emm, ok so dis is among pictures taken during our pot luck day... gonna miss u all... after ni kene g uitm jumpe supervisor sahaja n sadly no cuti because if cuti sure x grade... so same2 la kite berusaha agar sem depan merupakan semester terakhir kite. aminnn...

jus recall kenangan2 terindah dan terperit ms 1st sem...
originally, there were around 30 of us in class, then due to sooo hectic life, one by one drop and withdraw lastly only 10 survive. u c how??? actually, maybe they already hv a good job, master is jus one of satisfaction, sekadar fulfill their time but then, after a few weeks, we are soooo burdened with so many assignments and presentation sampaikan cannot tido mlm n tido pun boleh termengigau2 lah... so dat y they all withdraw.
so most of us yg stay were in academician line. we hv NO choice. to pursue dis career, we need to further develop our level of education, degree is not enuf. dat's y i continue my study. not because anybody force me or to 'make me one step ahead than others' NO... NO... and my personal opinion, we as a lecturer cant just stick at one level only. we need to explore so many things outside since we gonna share knowledge with student. but actually it depends on ourselves. sometimes, when we got married, FAMILY become FIRST. i do agree with that. . because family is precious than others... so it depends on how we wanna colur our life.
i also wanna thanks to my groupmate farhana n azwanis, who always bersusah dan bersenang bersama2... from our 1st sem sampailah 3rd sem ni, igt x ms zaman wanis anak dara ms 1st sem, kt penah stay kat menara uitm yg berhant* tu sampai pukul 3 4 pagi, then sambung kat mc d sampai subuh jus to finish our asgmnt.. huh, n EVERY WEEK ok... every friday nite n saturday nite.... n ms nk final, kak shikin ajar kite kat tangga flat rumah die kat sec 7 tu gelap gelita n byk nyamok but lastly ALHAMDULILLAH, we got a GOOD result. and dat's y we SURVIVE...
emm, ok so dis is among pictures taken during our pot luck day... gonna miss u all... after ni kene g uitm jumpe supervisor sahaja n sadly no cuti because if cuti sure x grade... so same2 la kite berusaha agar sem depan merupakan semester terakhir kite. aminnn...

i bwk yg ni
foods n beverage
zailani, kak muzie n yg terselit tu farah
Saturday, May 2, 2009
esok paper audit

esok final!!!!!!!!!!
haaa mcm nk bgtau esok raye je...
dag dig dug hatiku berdebar2.... sbb x bace buku langsung. eh bukan bc buku tp bc article.
ni tgh carik mud nk study, tammo jd mcm sem lepas, konon2 nk hentam je dlm answer script tp 1 idea hentaman pun tak de. end up with worst result. ark ark ark....serves my right!
ok nk study, semoga ade mood utk study dan dipermudahkan utk menjawab soalan esok...
oh ya, after finish exam esok, i will start my dissertation. field audit, supervisor dah ade but topic nk explore still unclear. last week my proposed supervisor suggest me to explore audit quality in syariah index since belum ramai lg explore syariah field ni plus earning management as mediator. huh blur is it... no idea but trying hard to....
Thursday, April 30, 2009
work VERSUS study

what the happening life
how bout study plus working?wake-up early every weekdays morning, drive thru all a long way jammed, full n crowded wit so many type of vehicles, arrive @ ofis n doing task force.then going back to home, same happen still hv to redah jammed, arrive home and at nite, google material for asgmnt, (sambil2 fb), doing asgmnt....then for weken, stil hv to wake up early, going to class from 9 to 6 pm....
so, tell me when i will i hv a time to make a date?
in other word.... bilakah penyeksaan ini akan berakhir?
Muke dah boring serta blur...
Monday, April 20, 2009
in dilemma
today i got a call from one of my mentee's mum. she asked me about her son n i as a good lecturer as well as a good mentor just told her the truth...her son always ponteng morning class due to tak boleh wake up early morning. actually this is not the 1st time his mum call me, a few before i guess...
and after that, i text my mentee that i wanted to see him. then he just reply "ok". so, here are my conversation with him
me- mama u call i, mana die dpt my number?
mentee-ntah (sambil menjungkit bahu)
me- i bgtau u slalu xdtg class pagi
mentee- nape bg tau mcm tu? (isk budak ni, dah ko x dtg tak kan aku nk ckp dtg pulak!)
me- abes tu dah die tny u pulak mmg x dtg (hangin pulak aku nk kene jwb soalan bodo)
mentee- saya bukan sengaja tanak dtg. dah mmg sy x bgn tido. dah kunci 2 jam pun x bgn2 gak. (ntah ye ntah x, takan aku nk g bilik die cek btl x ade 2 jam tu pulak)
me- tp mama u ckp die dah call u pagi2, kejut bgn suh g klas
mentee- yelah tu, die kejut pun bukan boleh bgn terus, sy pun x sedar jwb call die pg2 tu
me- abes tu camane final exam boleh pulak u bgn pagi (aku mencari hujah2 utk menang)
mentee - tu x tido langsung, kalau tido mmg xkn bgn la..
me- so, ape i nk buat nk suruh u bgn, mama u kejut pun u tak bgn. die risau2 u xdtg klas
mentee- sy x dtg pun sy belajar gak, final sy dtg. ade kolej rugi kalau sy xdtg? sy byr kat sini. ni kolej swasta.institut pengajian tinggi. bukan mcm sekolah, sy dah umur 22 thn, jgn la nk jg tepi kain org bla bla bla bla... (kalau adik aku dah lame aku cili2 mulut ko tu!)
me- speechless (mencari idea nk lawan blk)
- sbb kat sini nk develop u, nnt ms keje u kene bgn cepat gak, pegi keje masuk pagi. kalau dah biasa bgn lambat, nnt camane nk keje (wah mcm org2 dewase aku memberi nasihat)
mentee- sy x suka cik bgtau mama saya xdtg. nnt blk umah ni die membebel, buat sy tanak blk umh dah n langsung sy takan dtg sampai abes sem mcm sem lepas. tgk la nnt. (amboi ko ugut aku plak!)
me- jgn la mcm tu. sampai bl u nk jd mcm ni? cube la dgr ckp mama u. itu mak kite. kite kene dgr ckp mak kite. (adoiiii, patutkah aku tukar career jd kaunselor pulak pas ni?)
mentee- abes sy je kene dgr ckp die. die nk dgr ckp sy (dgn muke bengang). lepas ni call mama ckp sy dtg. kalau die da stat membebel, mmg sy dah x blk umh lg
bla bla bla bla... panjang lg tp ni la problem nya. in dilemma. if i inform his mum, he wont come to class anymore, n x blk umh... and after deep thinking of a bad consequences, i decided not to tell his mum a true story because don want thing become worst. but, i menipu la mcm ni. kasihan ibunya. but dis is for the sake of others. berdosa kah aku. but i give him one condition, sem ni 4.00 flat.
hmmm, actually student ni having a very high iq brain. so smart. before joining this college, use to be ipta student (fast track pulak tu) but havent finished due to his attitude. not because of fail.
emmmmm, so sayang if he still like dat. but he's promise me, he wanna change n now trying to. but die cakap slow2. kete kalau tgh laju, tibe2 nk brek terbabas kan. so slow2 la,,,
hmmm wait n c. kite berdoa saja la die mendapat petunjuk n hidayahnya. he is not so bad. masih lg anak yg baik dan mementingkan parentnya, cume biasa la memberontak di zaman2 remaja. aku juga pernah melalui zaman umur tu gak... n semoga die betul2 berubah, one day, maybe not now. but hopefully it will before its too late. itu la harapan cikgu kepada anak muridnya.
and after that, i text my mentee that i wanted to see him. then he just reply "ok". so, here are my conversation with him
me- mama u call i, mana die dpt my number?
mentee-ntah (sambil menjungkit bahu)
me- i bgtau u slalu xdtg class pagi
mentee- nape bg tau mcm tu? (isk budak ni, dah ko x dtg tak kan aku nk ckp dtg pulak!)
me- abes tu dah die tny u pulak mmg x dtg (hangin pulak aku nk kene jwb soalan bodo)
mentee- saya bukan sengaja tanak dtg. dah mmg sy x bgn tido. dah kunci 2 jam pun x bgn2 gak. (ntah ye ntah x, takan aku nk g bilik die cek btl x ade 2 jam tu pulak)
me- tp mama u ckp die dah call u pagi2, kejut bgn suh g klas
mentee- yelah tu, die kejut pun bukan boleh bgn terus, sy pun x sedar jwb call die pg2 tu
me- abes tu camane final exam boleh pulak u bgn pagi (aku mencari hujah2 utk menang)
mentee - tu x tido langsung, kalau tido mmg xkn bgn la..
me- so, ape i nk buat nk suruh u bgn, mama u kejut pun u tak bgn. die risau2 u xdtg klas
mentee- sy x dtg pun sy belajar gak, final sy dtg. ade kolej rugi kalau sy xdtg? sy byr kat sini. ni kolej swasta.institut pengajian tinggi. bukan mcm sekolah, sy dah umur 22 thn, jgn la nk jg tepi kain org bla bla bla bla... (kalau adik aku dah lame aku cili2 mulut ko tu!)
me- speechless (mencari idea nk lawan blk)
- sbb kat sini nk develop u, nnt ms keje u kene bgn cepat gak, pegi keje masuk pagi. kalau dah biasa bgn lambat, nnt camane nk keje (wah mcm org2 dewase aku memberi nasihat)
mentee- sy x suka cik bgtau mama saya xdtg. nnt blk umah ni die membebel, buat sy tanak blk umh dah n langsung sy takan dtg sampai abes sem mcm sem lepas. tgk la nnt. (amboi ko ugut aku plak!)
me- jgn la mcm tu. sampai bl u nk jd mcm ni? cube la dgr ckp mama u. itu mak kite. kite kene dgr ckp mak kite. (adoiiii, patutkah aku tukar career jd kaunselor pulak pas ni?)
mentee- abes sy je kene dgr ckp die. die nk dgr ckp sy (dgn muke bengang). lepas ni call mama ckp sy dtg. kalau die da stat membebel, mmg sy dah x blk umh lg
bla bla bla bla... panjang lg tp ni la problem nya. in dilemma. if i inform his mum, he wont come to class anymore, n x blk umh... and after deep thinking of a bad consequences, i decided not to tell his mum a true story because don want thing become worst. but, i menipu la mcm ni. kasihan ibunya. but dis is for the sake of others. berdosa kah aku. but i give him one condition, sem ni 4.00 flat.
hmmm, actually student ni having a very high iq brain. so smart. before joining this college, use to be ipta student (fast track pulak tu) but havent finished due to his attitude. not because of fail.
emmmmm, so sayang if he still like dat. but he's promise me, he wanna change n now trying to. but die cakap slow2. kete kalau tgh laju, tibe2 nk brek terbabas kan. so slow2 la,,,
hmmm wait n c. kite berdoa saja la die mendapat petunjuk n hidayahnya. he is not so bad. masih lg anak yg baik dan mementingkan parentnya, cume biasa la memberontak di zaman2 remaja. aku juga pernah melalui zaman umur tu gak... n semoga die betul2 berubah, one day, maybe not now. but hopefully it will before its too late. itu la harapan cikgu kepada anak muridnya.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Cadbury Warehouse Sale

Cant wait, wateve it is.... i must go. NO REASON to say no!
choc lover or chocoholic is wat i am...
frens,,,, who else wanna join me?
Time : 10am to 6pm
No 8 Jalan Batu Tiga Lama
(along Federal Highway, Next to Hotel Histana)
Saturday, April 18, 2009
quite long i tak update this blog...
jus wanna share wit u guys wat happen to me for the last 2 weeks...
actually i'm very frustrated sbb my claim kene reject. it is abour rm198 ok... not because the amount but because of how they treat me like dis...
emmm, the reason is because i don hv prove. no resit. so what? tng mane ade kua resit, lg2 aku pakai smart tag. then yg tensennye bukan stakat tol saje kene reject, mileage pun same. sesen pun x masuk. u think i went there n main masak2 ke? then, suppose pegi jalan kaki saje if kene outstation after dis. yg peliknye, selama2 ini no isue ok je, semangat je aku nk g outstation tiap2 kali dpt instruction but now? my colleagues suh tny HR. tp due to the reason yg i'm very very frustrated n disappointed, aku mls... mmg nmpk mcm bodo tp for me, x gune ckp kalau aku dah dilanda kekecewaan. arghhh, tamo pk2 isu ni nnt aku rs nk nangis. how dare they treat me like dis. bullshitt... x pasal2 sepanjang hari aku menyumpah2 sahaja pd hr kejadian. GTH! mls aku nk layan n demotivated.
last, ALLAH know everything............... lu pikir la sendiri!!!
jus wanna share wit u guys wat happen to me for the last 2 weeks...
actually i'm very frustrated sbb my claim kene reject. it is abour rm198 ok... not because the amount but because of how they treat me like dis...
emmm, the reason is because i don hv prove. no resit. so what? tng mane ade kua resit, lg2 aku pakai smart tag. then yg tensennye bukan stakat tol saje kene reject, mileage pun same. sesen pun x masuk. u think i went there n main masak2 ke? then, suppose pegi jalan kaki saje if kene outstation after dis. yg peliknye, selama2 ini no isue ok je, semangat je aku nk g outstation tiap2 kali dpt instruction but now? my colleagues suh tny HR. tp due to the reason yg i'm very very frustrated n disappointed, aku mls... mmg nmpk mcm bodo tp for me, x gune ckp kalau aku dah dilanda kekecewaan. arghhh, tamo pk2 isu ni nnt aku rs nk nangis. how dare they treat me like dis. bullshitt... x pasal2 sepanjang hari aku menyumpah2 sahaja pd hr kejadian. GTH! mls aku nk layan n demotivated.
last, ALLAH know everything............... lu pikir la sendiri!!!
Friday, April 10, 2009
M.Y. H.E.A.R.T T.O.U.C.H.E.D
while i am busy finishing my assignment, reading articles and trying as best as i can to understand the contain of this article, i received one email that really touched my lonely heart.
dunnoe why i was felt like this n i think you guys will express the same felling as me when you read it will full of emotionally.
so use your emosion given by our lovely GOD (ALLAH s.w.t) , to see the pictures and read till the end of the story. i bet your heart will be touched as well
Love and Sorrow ... Felt By All God's Creatures
Swallows: Here his mateis injured and the condition is fatal.
She was hit by a car as she swooped low across the road..
Here he brought her food and attended to her with love and compassion.

He brought her food again but was shocked to find her dead. He tried to move her....a rarely-seen effort for swallows!

Aware that his sweetheart is dead and will never come back to him again,
He cries with adoring love.

He stood beside her, saddened of her death..
Finally aware that she would never return to him,
he Stood beside her body with sadness and sorrow.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
fragrances warehouse and sunglasses sales
las week i went to Branded Fragrances & Cosmetics Warehouse Sale Up to 70%. The event took place at hotel corus, jalan ampang. i went with kak feri n kak azi my colleagues who have same interest with me-->round2 window shopping n burned money...
I jus grab one set of perfume (plus lotion and bath scrub) Ginvenchy Very Irresistible at a price of RM119. i think it is quite cheap as compared to normal price which i guess at RM150 (perfume only). but actually its not promotion price or any huge discount. it is more on clearing old stock. whatever, i luv my new fragrance.
today i jus came back from ampang point near to my collage and one thing makes me cant doing my job right now is SUNGLASSES sales. emm i tot my CK sunglass dah calar sikit n bekas die dah cair sbb put it in car n cuaca at that time very panas like hell. shld i replace or not?
here are some of price list for those who interested to go
Guess - buy 1 free 1 (price around 500 - 700). if buy 1, discount up to 45%.
Gucci - 30%
Emprio armani - rm199
Elle - rm79
Rayban - buy 1 free 1, if i not mistaken
Versace - tak ingat
then, ade brand lain which i'm not so familiar, but kak fery know (biase la i'm not branded oriented) the price among rm129 i guess...
hmmm, tgh belek2 speck, my mum called n asked me to go back to shah alam today, then i told her about this sales, my mum angry-angry at me. not angry sgt la but she said "kamu tu tak pernahnye xde duit". huhu the statement makes me stop from thinking to buy one. arghhh. hmmm yela, las week br beli perfume which i think not necessary since my dior poison still got half from the bottle, then after buy the new one, i don want to use the old one anymore. no wonder la my mum bising2...
anyway, i wish "i am shopaholic NO more"
I jus grab one set of perfume (plus lotion and bath scrub) Ginvenchy Very Irresistible at a price of RM119. i think it is quite cheap as compared to normal price which i guess at RM150 (perfume only). but actually its not promotion price or any huge discount. it is more on clearing old stock. whatever, i luv my new fragrance.
today i jus came back from ampang point near to my collage and one thing makes me cant doing my job right now is SUNGLASSES sales. emm i tot my CK sunglass dah calar sikit n bekas die dah cair sbb put it in car n cuaca at that time very panas like hell. shld i replace or not?
here are some of price list for those who interested to go
Guess - buy 1 free 1 (price around 500 - 700). if buy 1, discount up to 45%.
Gucci - 30%
Emprio armani - rm199
Elle - rm79
Rayban - buy 1 free 1, if i not mistaken
Versace - tak ingat
then, ade brand lain which i'm not so familiar, but kak fery know (biase la i'm not branded oriented) the price among rm129 i guess...
hmmm, tgh belek2 speck, my mum called n asked me to go back to shah alam today, then i told her about this sales, my mum angry-angry at me. not angry sgt la but she said "kamu tu tak pernahnye xde duit". huhu the statement makes me stop from thinking to buy one. arghhh. hmmm yela, las week br beli perfume which i think not necessary since my dior poison still got half from the bottle, then after buy the new one, i don want to use the old one anymore. no wonder la my mum bising2...
anyway, i wish "i am shopaholic NO more"
Monday, March 30, 2009
This is a true story to share. sound suspense pulak. Last 2 days (28 March 2009), i went to Tropicana Golf Resort with fifi, ayu and noor to have a dinner. It was very sempoi dinner since the theme is "santai" and colors are mother nature..
Actually i planned to wear my baju kebaya purple but then received sms from fifi n informed santai dinner je, so i think over pulak if i wearing kebaya bersulam2 n x kena pulak dgn theme.
then, b4 the dinner, i went to warta near to my house, then grab skirt mcm org mengandung.
oh ya, i can give B+ only for this dinner because of the following reasons
+ve feedback
1. it wa a great dinner since we can gather after long long time
2. ade door gift (pokok hijau, i donnoe the name of the pokok)
-ve feedback
1. payment is too high -RM80 for buffet dinner
2. food & desert - biasa2 saje, x sedap sgt
3. no VVIP, (hei we are all x mpp, so VVIP shld be there to appreciate us) tp its ok i don mind, but kalau ikutkan protocol, they shld join us lah. its not easy to gather all alumni mpp.
Actually i planned to wear my baju kebaya purple but then received sms from fifi n informed santai dinner je, so i think over pulak if i wearing kebaya bersulam2 n x kena pulak dgn theme.
then, b4 the dinner, i went to warta near to my house, then grab skirt mcm org mengandung.
oh ya, i can give B+ only for this dinner because of the following reasons
+ve feedback
1. it wa a great dinner since we can gather after long long time
2. ade door gift (pokok hijau, i donnoe the name of the pokok)
-ve feedback
1. payment is too high -RM80 for buffet dinner
2. food & desert - biasa2 saje, x sedap sgt
3. no VVIP, (hei we are all x mpp, so VVIP shld be there to appreciate us) tp its ok i don mind, but kalau ikutkan protocol, they shld join us lah. its not easy to gather all alumni mpp.
ok, here, i just share these capture moment. hv a look expecially to those who didnt presence
These are among pics taken during the event.
These are among pics taken during the event.
me with door gift (blkg tu fifi)
ayu, fifi ydp, noor n me
with junior2 mpp
(glad some of them still remember me) =)Part of MPP UiTM Melaka
Friday, March 27, 2009
final exam master of accountancy
las week i just finished my final exam and many people keep asking me 'camane final, ok?
here i give some explanation about my finals.
i took 3 days leave to do revision for 3 subjects. 3 days for 3 subject.. is it sound 'crazy'? or some people says, biase la tu... boleh study 1 malam je nk cover semua.. emm i'm not that hustler, can absorb everything in 1 nite. maybe because i never study adn doing revision for the whole semester, pg klas pun like 'blur2', so during those 3 days ni lah i pulun. biasalah everything is last minutes.... i do admit my fault. ampunnnnn
actually the BIG problem is my Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis. i felt soooo tension, the more i learn, the more i didn't know... maybe i'm neither statistician nor researcher, so i felt so hard and difficult to understand. bt i try my best, try to understand and memorize all the formula even sometimes i think this is 'nonsense'. and finally, i only study this subject for 3 days. another 2, i just ignore because i think i can goreng in my answer script.
lastly, i cant answer my QnQ paper. i die to get even C. lulus bersyarat pun jadila... donnoe why i mcm blur2 n cannot recall wat ive done before... so many questions i left blank and for sure my lecturer cant help in this case. OMG.... plss help me. and i expect my pointer will sharply drop but hopefully not too bad laaa... to maintain??? arghhhh maintain is more difficult plus tension rather then to get it lah.
the only thing i can do,,, berserah pd ALLAH. berdoa n my mum always told me, sembahyang subuh pun subuh gajah, camane ALLAH nk tolong.. emmm think deeply, yelah. betul. dat's y lah i blur during exam! OMG, forvige me pls....
oh ya, tunite i'll hv dinner on edah. she jus got her first 2 months salary and damnnnn i'm termiskin between both edah n ayie.
so im trying hard to have better life and i think at this age, i should do something new....
here i give some explanation about my finals.
i took 3 days leave to do revision for 3 subjects. 3 days for 3 subject.. is it sound 'crazy'? or some people says, biase la tu... boleh study 1 malam je nk cover semua.. emm i'm not that hustler, can absorb everything in 1 nite. maybe because i never study adn doing revision for the whole semester, pg klas pun like 'blur2', so during those 3 days ni lah i pulun. biasalah everything is last minutes.... i do admit my fault. ampunnnnn
actually the BIG problem is my Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis. i felt soooo tension, the more i learn, the more i didn't know... maybe i'm neither statistician nor researcher, so i felt so hard and difficult to understand. bt i try my best, try to understand and memorize all the formula even sometimes i think this is 'nonsense'. and finally, i only study this subject for 3 days. another 2, i just ignore because i think i can goreng in my answer script.
lastly, i cant answer my QnQ paper. i die to get even C. lulus bersyarat pun jadila... donnoe why i mcm blur2 n cannot recall wat ive done before... so many questions i left blank and for sure my lecturer cant help in this case. OMG.... plss help me. and i expect my pointer will sharply drop but hopefully not too bad laaa... to maintain??? arghhhh maintain is more difficult plus tension rather then to get it lah.
the only thing i can do,,, berserah pd ALLAH. berdoa n my mum always told me, sembahyang subuh pun subuh gajah, camane ALLAH nk tolong.. emmm think deeply, yelah. betul. dat's y lah i blur during exam! OMG, forvige me pls....
oh ya, tunite i'll hv dinner on edah. she jus got her first 2 months salary and damnnnn i'm termiskin between both edah n ayie.
so im trying hard to have better life and i think at this age, i should do something new....
Sunday, March 15, 2009
who is your soulmate ?
Belongs With Someone With Class
Your future lover should be someone with class. You belong with someone polite and never afraid to admit their mistakes. They will help you see the good in life and appreciate everything.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
hi there =)
donno wat to say, org lain ade blog saye pon nk menyebok ade... haha. but i'm not a good author actually, still thinking of any stuff or story to be share with others. n i'm really really sure no one will read this since dis blog makes people kebosanan
so, for 1st blog ni, saya cume meng'explore ' something that can make it interesting but still got no idea. emmm will be update later after mendapat petunjuk n hidayah drp-Nya....
so, for 1st blog ni, saya cume meng'explore ' something that can make it interesting but still got no idea. emmm will be update later after mendapat petunjuk n hidayah drp-Nya....
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